Follow the Instructions Below
Thanks for submitting your information!
Now that you have completed your Organizational Validation SSL purchase, you’ll be guided through the validation process where the Certificate Authority (CA) will simply need to verify a few things about your business. The best way to expedite this process is to make sure you use the CORRECT spelling of your company name. Make sure to include your corporate identifiers such as, LLC or Inc. exactly as it was when you registered your business, commas and everything! Also, make sure to list your main phone number, and that it could be found in most public databases. If you can do that, you’ll be well on your way. If you have any issues, we have many validation specialists standing by that can help you with any part of the process.
What happens next?
You will be receiving an email in the next few hours to begin the SSL generation/enrollment process. Please follow the link in the email to provide Digital Media Pal with the information necessary for issuance.
As mentioned, an OV certificate will require you to provide information about your business to be verified by the Certificate Authority (CA).
The email will provide you with instructions on how to proceed. If you have any questions, please call Andrew Parsons at 714-926-5436 or via email at